Enjoying Open Source Software

Migrated to Gophernicus on OpenBSD

The Beaglebone Black boards in my network have been running for about five years and are still going strong.

One of the boards was not doing very much, so I decided to migrate my Gopherhole to it.

The Beaglebone is currently running OpenBSD 6.6 (armv7) and Gophernicus is in the binary ports. So it only took a simple pkg_add and a few changes to the packetfilters.

This is the first step in moving stuff from a Raspberry Pi to the Beaglebone board. The Raspberry Pi is running Rapsbian, a Debian derivate. OpenBSD is more easy to administer, and doesn't come with systemd :)

So, now my Gopherhole is proudly presented from OpenBSD on a Beaglebone Black.


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