Enjoying Open Source Software

Some interesting links

Here are some links that you might like.

This list is manually curated, together with an OPML file. The link to the OPML file is at the bottom of this page. Import the OPML file in your feed reader, and decide which feeds to keep, and which to discard.

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Old computer challange participants


Blogs from Emacsers or Lispers

Personal websites

ed (for workshop participants)


Other websites

Get the OPML file. This file contains the feeds of most of the above sites.

This page and the OPML file are created with the help of a GNU recutils database.

Made with ♥ by a human — no cookies, no trackers.
Proud member of the, the, the Blogroll.Club, and the Bukmark.Club.
Don’t let a billionaire’s algorithm control what you read — use an RSS feed reader.