Gitweb on FreeBSD with mini_httpd
Minimal setup
My aim was to get quickly, and as simple as possible, a web interface to my own git repositories.
This is on my local home network only, and for my personal use only.
New jail
In order to keep everything easy under control, I created a new jail for this. Setting up a new jail on a ZFS system consists of just a few steps:
Clone a jail-template from a ZFS snapshot:
zfs clone zroot/jails/releases/13.1RELEASE@p0 zroot/jails/gitwebjail
ed /jails/gitwebjail/etc/ssh/sshd_config # change listen address
- add a config for this jail in /etc/jail.conf.
- start the jail with
jail -c gitwebjail
stands for the name of a
ZFS snapshot that I made earlier.)
I have never used mini_httpd before, so I took this opportunity to give it a try.
pkg install mini_httpd
I created a small config file for this, /usr/local/etc/mini_httpd.cnf
After this I created the webdir:
mkdir -p /usr/local/www/cgi-bin
And put a nice welcome index.html in /usr/local/www/
Gitweb is part of the git package.
pkg install git
Now, make a symbolic link to the cgi-bin:
cd /usr/local/www/cgi-bin
ln -s /usr/local/share/examples/git/gitweb/gitweb.cgi .
Create the default directory for your repo's:
mkdir -p /pub/git
Put a test repo in it:
cp /pub/git
mkdir testrepo.git
cd testrepo.git
git init --bare
Start mini_httpd
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mini_httpd onestart
And point your web-browser to http://<ip-adress-of-jail>/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi
You should see your testrepo listed.
If everything is running nice, enable mini_httpd in /etc/rc.conf
And copy all git repositories to /pub/git
Password protection
A basis password protection can be setup using a .htpasswd file.
Create a .htpasswd file with:
cd /usr/local/www/cgi-bin
mini_httpd-htpasswd -c .htpasswd <username>
After this, mini_httpd will see the .htpasswd file and start basic authentication.
Remember that when you are not using TLS, your password is transferred unencrypted to the web server.
Next steps
Of course, this is just a very basic set up. There is lots of room for improvement.
The nochroot
in the mini_httpd.cnf could be
replaced with chroot
, TLS could be activated, and
so on.
Have fun !
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