This site is about my quest into open source software and unix-like operating systems.
I like reading and writing, using open source software, coding in Lisp, using Gopher, riding a bicycle, and using IRC and Jabber (XMPP).
I prefer plain text and use Emacs, vi, and ed.
box.matto.nl is my sub domain for personal stuff and is about things I have fun with, hoping others will share the same kind of enthusiasm.
See also my now page en my uses page.
Gopher site
If you like plain text, you will like Gopher.
There is also a Gopher site (also known as `gopher hole') on box.matto.nl. Explore this with your favorite gopher client (or try lynx).
Go to: gopher://box.matto.nl
Contact me at: @mattof@functional.cafe
Proud member of the 250kb club
box.matto.nl is a proud member of the 250kb.club
See also the club-entry of box.matto.nl
Proud member of the no-JS club
box.matto.nl is proud member of the no-JS.club.
Proud member of the blogroll.club
box.matto.nl is proud member of the blogroll.club.
Proud member of the bukmark.club
box.matto.nl is proud member of the bukmark.club.
Hosted in Europe
This website runs in the Netherlands, in Europe.
The content for this website is written in Markdown.
The website is build with a home grown Common Lisp application, compiled with SBCL.
IRC: matto
on libera.chat
Jabber: mattof@5222.de
Fediverse: @mattof@functional.cafe
You can contact me by email, my PGP-key is: 0x5DA4CDCE759F29F13EAA8BABF0A67BC632EE59A4
The fingerprint of the key is: 5DA4 CDCE 759F 29F1 3EAA 8BAB F0A6 7BC6 32EE 59A4
You can also download this key from https://box.matto.nl/0x5DA4CDCE759F29F13EAA8BABF0A67BC632EE59A4.asc
Made with ♥ by a human — no cookies, no trackers.
Proud member of the 250kb.club,
the no-JS.club,
the Blogroll.Club,
and the Bukmark.Club.
Don’t let a billionaire’s algorithm control what you read — use an RSS feed reader.