Enjoying Open Source Software

Emacs Doom on an old Chromebook

Follow up

This is a follow up on my article Elisp on an old Chromebook.

The reason to try Doom on an old Chromebook is to see how it performs.

Although I have been using Vim since about 1997, I don't use Viper, Evil, or Doom, but the vanilla Emacs key bindings. My personal Emacs configuration is not that extensive and I have installed only a few packages.

This test with Doom is just to see how it runs on my old Chromebook.

Install Doom on GalliumOS

GalliumOS is based on Ubuntu 18.04, this brings some challenges.

Related to Doom there were these challenges:

  • The Emacs version is too old, I solved that, see my previous article
  • The version Git is too old. In order to solve this, I installed Git from the source code.
  • There is no ripgrep package, I installed the .deb file

Installing Git from source code

I downloaded the latest tar.gz from

And installed it with:

sudo apt-get install make libssl-dev libghc-zlib-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext unzip
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/stow/git
make prefix=/usr/local/stow/git all
sudo make prefix=/usr/local/stow/git install
cd /usr/local/stow
sudo stow git

Installing ripgrep

I downloaded the latest .deb from

And installed it with:

sudo dpkg -i ripgrep_13.0.0_amd64.deb

Installing Doom

Add path to ~/.emacs.bin in .bashrc:

export PATH="$HOME/.emacs.d/bin:$PATH"

Log out and in again.

Building doom gave some problems, that is why you have to run doom sync before doom install:

git clone --depth 1 ~/.emacs.d
doom sync
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

After this, I run another doom sync, just to be sure.

Starting Emacs shows Doom is now working.

Add some options

I added some options, like Deft, Calender, Elfeed and some other, closed Emacs and did a doom sync again. When everything was finished, I added some settings and could use Deft.

I don't see any noticeable differences in starting Emacs with my 'normal' config and starting Emacs with the Doom config. Also I noticed no lag in Emacs with the Doom config.

So, perhaps installing new packages may take some time on this machine, actually using Emacs with Doom is still fine.

My conclusion is that using Emacs with Doom is a valid option for an old Chromebook.


⇽ Elisp on an old Chromebook Ratpoison window manager on GalliumOS ⇾

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